My Books 

I seriously started writing in 2004. My first completed novel was a Fan Fiction piece (Based On The Highlander Series (The Immortals)) that can be read free of charge. I then began writing my own original work. I have 11 novels independently published to date and I am working on Number 12 at this time. I never really thought about the content of my novels... until I was castigated by someone whose kid read one of my Twisted Earth novels so I will place a disclaimer here. I write adult themed grimdark (Thanks for defining that GRRM!) where people are not all bad or good and adult actions have adult consequences. Example in point: My protag in The Twisted Earth lives in a violent, poisoned and twisted post holocaust reality where Homo Sapiens is no longer the sole dominant species. As such, he is heavily armed when roving the wilds because mutants do exist and to many of them, homo sapiens is on the menu...